About us

Benefit from more than 20 years of experience in providing translation services, a team of top linguists and industry best practices.

Špecializácia na odvetvia

Najčastejšie prekladáme a tlmočíme obsah z oblasti zdravotníctva, informačných technológií, práva a techniky. Pracujeme v súlade s normami ISO 9001 a ISO 17 100.

Naše hodnoty

Integrita, spoľahlivosť a udržateľnosť – veríme, že férový prístup ku všetkým zainteresovaným stranám prispieva k lepšej budúcnosti pre našich klientov a partnerov.


Automatizovaný preklad, strojové učenie alebo umelá inteligencia ovplyvňujú našu prácu už niekoľko rokov. Tešíme sa na ďalšiu novinku, ktorá ovplyvní svet.

Team at Otago

Michal Kmeť

Michal Kmeť
CEO, zakladateľ

K prekladateľstvu a tlmočníctvu som sa dostal už ako násťročný pred nástupom internetu, keď som po Bratislave na bicykli doručoval  dokumenty pre prekladateľskú agentúru môjho otca.

Začínal som riadením jednoduchých projektov, postupne som nastavil systém výberu a hodnotenia prekladateľov a získal certifikáty kvality podľa ISO. Moje dlhoročné skúsenosti vyústili do vzniku Otago.

Tri funkčné obdobia som viedol Asociáciu prekladateľských spoločností Slovenska a zastupoval Slovensko v asociácii European Union of Associations of Translation Companies. Na európskej úrovni v súčasnosti spoluorganizujem každoročnú konferenciu Meet Central Europe

Stanislava Dengová

Stanislava Dengová
senior project manager

Počas štúdia prekladateľstva a tlmočníctva som absolvovala predmet, kde sme simulovali prekladový projekt. Mojou úlohou bolo riadiť komunikáciu medzi členmi tímu a zabezpečiť dodanie prekladu načas. Odvtedy som mala o svojej budúcnosti jasno – po škole som chcela začať pracovať v prekladateľskej spoločnosti.

Aj s niekoľkoročným odstupom ma riadenie projektov (ideálne viacjazyčných) a najmä komunikácia s klientmi a prekladateľmi stále baví.

Ako certifikovaná memoQ školiteľka mám na starosti naše CAT nástroje a optimalizáciu interných procesov.

Symbol osoby.

Klaudia Froněková
project manager

Do sveta prekladu a tlmočenia ma priviedla lásku ku knihám a jazyku. Už počas prvých rokov štúdia prekladateľstva a tlmočníctva som ale vedela, že práca prekladateľky nie je pre mňa, a keď som sa raz zúčastnila prednášky o projektovom manažérstve v prekladateľskej agentúre, bolo o mojom budúcom povolaní rozhodnuté. Práca projektovej manažérky, v ktorej môžem využiť všetky poznatky zo štúdia a školskej praxe, ma veľmi baví.

Venujem sa spracovaniu úradných aj neúradným prekladov i tlmočenia. Počas vysokej školy som sa zúčastnila 4-mesačného pracovno-vzdelávacieho pobytu v USA, takže ma teší, že v práci môžem aktívne využívať anglický jazyk pri komunikácii so zahraničnými klientmi a dodávateľmi.

Symbol osoby.

Lívia Moravčíková
quality manager

V prekladateľskom odvetví sa pohybujem od štúdia na vysokej škole v roku 2006. Niekoľko rokov som pracovala primárne s úradnými prekladmi pre jednotlivcov,  postupne som spracúvala komplexnejšie a náročnejšie projekty pre slovenských a zahraničných B2B klientov.

Na práci projektovej manažérky ma bavilo dodať klientom na prvý pohľad neriešiteľné projekty kvalitne preložené a včas. V spoločnosti Otago som zodpovedná za kvalitu poskytovaných služieb a ISO 9001 a 17100. Vo voľnom čase sa venujem najmä permakultúrnemu poľnohospodárstvu.

How we work

Translation in good hands

The process of translating your texts is managed by project managers with thousands of successfully delivered projects. You get a team on your side that will reliably coordinate all the steps needed to translate your content efficiently.

Verified specialized linguists

Thanks to our extensive network of translators, we have experts who are ready to bring their industry knowledge to your translation projects.

Ruka programátora pred monitorom s kódom.
Ulica so stromami a fontánou.

Online portal

Our platform provides an instant overview of your projects and an easy and secure way to submit new requests.

Human approach

For your most important projects, you can rely on professional human translators who are specialists in their respective fields.

Modern technology

When speed is of the essence and you just need a basic understanding of the content, AI-assisted machine translation quickly translates large ranges at an acceptable quality. For basic translation quality needs, you can combine machine translation and revision by a professional linguist.

Nearly all file formats

Whatever form or file format the content is in, we’ll process it in one of our state-of-the-art print or digital publishing software solutions.

Lietadlo letisko pohľad zhora

Otago Quality Policy

Záväzok kvality Otago

Quality policy principles

  • For us, quality means meeting the agreed requirements of our customers.
  • The customer has the right to receive the product in the required quality and within the agreed deadline.
  • We provide translation services in accordance with the ISO 17100 standard.
  • One of the main priorities in our company is continuous improvement.
  • The company’s values are trust, sustainability, integrity and teamwork.
  • We achieve the quality of our services by monitoring, evaluating and improving the performance parameters of our processes.

Management commitment

The company’s management is committed to adhering to the above principles, to meeting legal requirements and to continuously improving the quality management system.

Otago’s Quality Policy is binding on all employees and contractors.

ISO 17100 a ISO 9001
Otago ISO 9001 certifikát spol. Otago
Otago ISO 17100 certifikát spol. Otago

ISO 9001

Otago has a quality management system according to the international standard ISO 9001, which is audited annually by TÜV SÜD SLOVAKIA s.r.o.

ISO 17100

Otago is certified according to the international translation standard ISO 17100, which is independently audited annually.

Memberships in organisations

ATCSK Logotyp

Association of Translation Companies of Slovakia

ATCSK is a professional organisation that brings together providers of translation, interpreting, localisation and other language services. It seeks to promote education in the field of translation and interpreting services through mutual cooperation with Slovak universities. ATCSK is a member of EUATC.


European Union of Association of Translation Companies

EUATC represents the national associations of translation companies and its main task is to promote the highest standards of service and ethics in business relations. It is also dedicated to improving the professional education of translators and linguists.

Meet Central Europe Conference

Meet Central Europe is a conference founded by associations of translation companies from Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia. Every year, the event brings valuable content, business contacts for professionals in the translation industry.

Otago is a co-founder of the event on behalf of the Slovak Association.


Long-term cooperation

Looking for a long-new translation partner or a bespoke translation solution? Let’s connect.

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What do our clients say?
Reliable services for your business!

Our patent, trademark and legal office has been cooperating with the Otago team since 2014, providing translations of European patents and patent applications in the fields of pharmaceutics, chemistry, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering from English, German and French into Slovak and Czech.

What we appreciate most about our cooperation with Otago is the professional and speedy communication, on-time deliveries and the high level of accuracy and quality of the translations, which are crucial for us and our clients to ensure legal protection of their innovations and inventions.

Mgr. Ing. Martin Žovic
Patent Attorney

Otago is a reliable translation partner for us at SPIE Elektrovod. We mainly use their services for English, German and Hungarian translations. We especially appreciate their personal approach, professionalism, speed and promptness in responding to our requests. We recommend Otago as a translation provider

Ing. Jakub Kolesár
Chairman of the Board

We chose to work with Otago in particular for the delivery of high quality translations with specific engineering terminology, especially in the field of compressor and vacuum stations. What we appreciate most about our cooperation is the high accuracy and reliability of translations and prompt communication. We are happy to recommend Otago’s services.

Ing. Ladislav Szabó
Managing Director

Otago is great to work with. In Catalyst, most of our translation requests come in the “too-late-yesterday” spirit. Otago team is quick, responsive and friendly, which is quite a unique combination. The translations are excellent in terms of content, so we are absolutely satisfied.

Lubo Tomko

Based on our experience working with Otago, we have no hesitation in recommending your services to other organizations in need of top-notch translation solutions.

Your commitment to quality, professionalism, and client satisfaction makes you an ideal partner.

Élodie Bouquet
Vendor & Quality Manager